Saturday, November 20, 2010

Love and Appreciation

There is more hunger in this world for love and appreciation than there is for bread.
-- Mother Theresa

As we head into Thanksgiving this week, I am grateful for my husband, my sisters, my daughter who turned six last week!, my parents who continue to thrive as they help so many people in India, for opportunities to contribute my creative skills and talents through public relations work and through Jaya Designs, for the support of my friends and family who support my dreams - and for the connection we share as human beings trying to do the right things every day for ourselves and others as we journey together in this complex world.

All my best to you and yours,

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jaya Designs Pre-Holiday Open House November 13!

The weather cools, the social season heats up –
Distinction is essential.

With a beaded bag
A silk embroidered sheath dress
An office party skirt and top set
A necktie just perfect for “business attire”
The gift that sets you apart.
All silk
All handmade
Each one of a kind… just like you.

Exclusively at the Jaya Designs Fall and Pre-Holiday Open House
Saturday, November 13
5:00-8:00 p.m.
17517 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Olney, Maryland 20832 for more information

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Grandparents' Day

"Grandparents are the footsteps to the future generations." -- Unknown

Photo: Adriana, my mother Margaret Koilpillai and me in India

Thank you to all grandparents, who love our children even more than we do, and who continue to give, nuture and teach. We love you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jaya Designs Fall Events Sept 18 and 19 - Sign Up Now!

It’s been a warm and sunny summer – I hope you had plenty of rest and inspiration as we (dare we say it) head into the new season. Jaya Designs can help you kick off a new school season, get your work life into high gear and prepare for holiday parties. Please join me the weekend of September 18 and 19 to see some new clothing choices, check out exciting accessories and become even more dazzling than you already are!

I’m organizing the event a bit differently this time – I’m asking for you to sign up for attendance during one of four timeslots – see below. This will give me the chance to give you personalized attention, for you to ask me questions about the clothing and accessories, and for us to discuss the perfect options for your needs.

Saturday, September 18
6:00 p.m. availability for six people
7:30 p.m. availability for six people

Sunday, September 19
2:00 p.m. availability for six people
3:30 p.m. availability for six people

Please email with your preferred timeslot. I look forward to seeing you then!

Best regards,

Jaya Koilpillai Bohlmann
Jaya Designs
India-inspired Fashions

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hurricanes and life

Waves crash, horizon blurs, skies gray... Hurricane Earl approaches Maryland, having evacuated North Carolina and other coastal areas on this Labor Day weekend. We're in Ocean City, where the beaches are devoid of swimmers but adventurous folks (or those determined to get their beach getaway regardless of weather) walk along the shoreline. The pools at our Hilton Suites Oceanfront are closed - Adriana and I swam in the indoor pool and then she did crafts organized by the hotel. I'm a bit low on energy - a side effect of the cleansing program I'm in. This includes no cairy at all, no sugar, no animal products of any kind, minimizing wheat and gluten, and emphasizing small amounts of good food eaten at regular intervals (the antithesis of my entire life's diet - I usually eat not often enough and then awful non-food). I am walking and running instead of my hard core 5-miles runs 5x/week and focusing on yoga and stretching. I still walk around a bit lightheaded - I have to keep my protein intake consistent. Adri and I are having a restful day today with the storm. A good chance to heal and cleanse emotionally, too. Waves take away all pain, anger, fear; winds cleanse body, mind and spirit.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Finding my way... part one

Too much stress, too little sleep, too much travel, too little good food… exercise, once my cure all for stress and imbalance, only fatigued and injured me. I started out this summer in a sorry physical and psychological state. After one particularly grueling business trip, I happened upon inspiration at an airport bookstore… and began what is now a six week journey to balance and reinvigoration. Finding my way back to… me.

I began with what I was ingesting and when… yes, a diet. Not just to lose weight (puffy and bloated, I was miserable with my shape), but to gain so much… energy, focus, happiness, that light in my eye I used to have. I refuse to believe it’s just age or hormones or anything else we can’t control. We are given this gift of our bodies and… with the knowledge of how to care for ourselves for life. If we ignore that knowledge, that’s when we lose our bodies and our health – and for me, our minds along with that.
I’m already a vegetarian , but was doing several things wrong with my eating habits, some of these are lifelong bad habits:
• Drinking coffee first thing in the morning (before eating – although this energized me, it also minimized my morning appetite and in my rush to work out and leave the house, I often did not eat. By midday, I was fatigued and famished).
• Not eating breakfast (see above).
• Not managing my nutrition properly while traveling (it’s easy to go eight or more hours without food when you are in airports and/or on planes that don’t serve meals and what is offered is most often starchy processed snack foods).
• Exercising intensely even while my nutrition needs weren’t being met
There are more - those are the main things.

Here is what I have vowed to change for the next six weeks.
• Eliminate all animal products including eggs and all dairy. I have a history of severe allergies to these foods and so I wanted to see if eliminating them would make me feel better.
• Focus on plant foods and plant-based proteins.
• Avoid yeast – that means
• Drink hot water and eat a small amount of oatmeal and fruit first thing in the morning, before working out.
• Drink coffee around midday, without milk and sugar.
• Eat a midday snack.
• Include protein in all my meals (this meant legumes, nuts, tofu and other soy products for me as a vegetarian, now a vegan)
• Have a salad with protein for lunch.
• Eat a mid afternoon snack that includes protein.
• For dinner, eat vegetables and protein – avoid starches.
• Eat small amounts, just enough to satisfy. I get full fast – often, I keep eating because I’m so fatigued and starving.
• Eat at regular intervals, before I get hungry.
• Exercise moderately rather than intensely. (I’m also recovering from a sore back and right thigh, which has hindered my running in the past few weeks.)
• Soak in Epsom salt baths to ease inflammation due to exercise.
• Start an aggressive cleansing program (more on that next week).
Transformation, from the inside out. I’ll blog about my progress… stay tuned.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Season to Transform

We’re in the middle of the long hot summer I crave every year. I hope you are, too. My family and I have been soaking up the sun (safely slathered in sunscreen, of course), swimming in our pool and gardening in our yard (we’ve yielded our own ears of golden corn, round and fragrant cantaloupes, sleek and cooling cucumbers and my herb staples: mint, cilantro and basil).

My goal is to use this heat and the sweet sounds and aromas of summer to calm my mind and body, rid myself of the aches and pains that have been plaguing me (and ruining my running progress) for months now, obliterate fatigue and negativity and leave me refreshed and restored – just in time for a productive autumn, fall fashions and a transformed LIFE.

Starting with my very next blog post, I’ll share my transformation beginning with my diet and health, transforming my thoughts, attitudes, even beliefs; revitalizing my exercise program; focusing on vitamins and other supplements; safeguarding my emotional and mental exposures… and more.

Life is about change, anyway, right? Even if we wanted to, we couldn’t stay completely still. In large and small ways, every day, our bodies, minds, homes, families, work, friends… we’re all either moving toward or away from something. Change can be positive or negative… it’s all in how you choose to perceive it.

Thanks for going along with me on this journey. Yours,

Monday, July 5, 2010

Transition and Transformation

Weddings, graduations... summer is the season for these major life milestones. I've been thinking about these - having experienced a large family wedding (my niece) and a smaller scale graduation (my daughter Adriana is now officially a kindergarten graduate). New titles and credentials (Mrs., first grader, B.S,...) attached to our names make us different somehow, don't they? They give us new ways of defining ourselves, of explaining our ambitions and our selves to people who don't know us well... and even those who do. It's interesting, isn't it... these are wholly external additions to our lives, yet they are treated as if we have changed from the inside out.

And maybe we have. Maturity gained through education and growing up; love that transforms and shines through you brilliantly on your wedding day... these are transforming and in that sense, the outside world is right to recognize that these make us different. It's all part of creating your life. Just remember who you are fundamentally, and that no matter what external monikers you adopt, your essence is still the most unique and precious thing you bring to this world.

Happy Summer.

Photo: Adriana (in green dress) in line after receiving her kindergarten diploma from Julia Brown Montessori School in Olney.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Inspired by children; by family

One of my inspirations and motivations for this blog is to highlight the work of Anantha Ashram, my family’s nonprofit charity in south India that helps children, women and families who wouldn’t otherwise receive medical care, a home and education and the chance to improve their health and wellbeing. Each summer, my father, Samuel Koilpillai, the president and founder of Anantha Ashram, provides a report of accomplishments for Anantha Ashram and points out where we continue to need financial and other support. I want to share the key facts and figures with you, in my next few blog posts. Today, I highlight the work of the Children’s Home.

Anantha Ashram’s Children’s Home continued to provide shelter, nurture and loving care to abandoned and destitute children. The level of services continued at about the same level in most areas—as the following table would show.

There were 34 admissions of new babies and older children in year 2009-10—compared to 26 in the previous year. As usual, most of the admissions were girl babies. You’ll be interested to know that since its inception in 1991 the Children’s Home has taken in 462 abandoned babies and orphaned and destitute children—a truly mission of mercy, made possible by your generous support.
The program to give children in adoption under Tamilnadu government’s mandate was continuing unabated as well. During fiscal year 2009-10, 26 new childless couples were made happy receiving a beautiful baby from Anantha Ashram under foster care agreements. And, for 51 children, their legal adoption was finalized at the courts entitling them to all rights with their adoptive parents—a remarkable accomplishment indeed.

At the end of the year, i.e., as of March 31, 2010, the Children’s Home family had 40 children. Of these, 16 were school-going kids. One of them had completed 10th standard, and another (Kumar, our “first-born son”) had completed “Plus 2” (12th standard). Kumar is now waiting for admission to the professional college. Thus, education of the children is now a significant focus of care by the Children’s Home, and a significant part of its budget. This budget would include special tuition fees for the several delayed-growth-and-development children who are doing poorly in school.

--- stay tuned... more to come!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

First Ever Jaya Designs Fashion Show!!

On a Sunday afternoon infused with the promise of a season of warmth and joy, I joined my dear friend Terry Barnes at her spacious, gorgeous home in Brookeville, Maryland for the inaugural Jaya Designs Fashion Show and Tea! An expansion of the private selling events I did last year, the April 11, 2010 event featured my beautiful friends and relatives as they modeled my Maharajah Collection's dresses, handbags, tops, girls' dresses and men's neckties. An appreciative audience applauded the show and supported the designs and my charitable cause (Community Uplift Projects, International) with their purchases of the authentic and beautiful products.

My heartfelt and lifelong thanks to everyone who made the event successful:
-My stunning models - Dana Joseph, Seema Khandagle, Michelle Koilpillai and Alisha Ladenburg for bringing Jaya Designs pieces to life in a beautiful way;
-Makeup and hair artist Nina Joseph for making us all beautiful;
-Greg David and Ross Patterson for photography and videography;
- the amazing Amol Pandit, for coordinating all the participants and his planning skills as well as wonderful fashion sense;
-My dear friends and supporters Terry and Danny Barnes who offered their hospitality and wonderful home for the event; and who constantly encourage me in this design endeavor;
-Most of all - my creative and handsome husband John and sweet budding model daughter Adriana for modeling the newest items in the Jaya Designs family and for supporting my creativity in all its forms, and for offering me the love it takes to be inspired every day.

Watch for more!!

All the best,

Saturday, April 10, 2010

You're Invited to the Jaya Designs Spring Fashion Show and Afternoon Tea - TOMORROW APRIL 11

Just one last reminder about the Jaya Designs event tomorrow, April 11, beginning at 2pm. You’ll definitely want to see the Fashion Show at 3pm, too! Hope to see you!

For those of you who won’t be able to attend tomorrow, check out the new items for Spring online at, or contact me at and I will be happy to arrange for you to see my new collection by appointment.

Happy Spring!

Date: Sunday, April 11
Time: 2-5 in the afternoon
Location: 18921 Celebrity Lane, Sandy Spring, Maryland 20860
Event: Browse new dresses, tops, skirts, suits, Evening Bags!, photographs and Indian art from the Jaya Designs Maharajah Collection
Buy on site or place your orders
Refresh: Afternoon tea
Celebrate: Spring, friendship, beauty, style
Contribute: Portion of the proceeds will be donated to help children of Anantha Ashram in Hosur, India


Saturday, April 3, 2010

All things made new

In this special season, I wish for you all –
Hope every morning
Peace every evening
Joy each day
That you hold memories of the past, mindfulness of the present and
visions for the future in every single moment
That you let go of regret, pain, fear
That you embrace what you have and feel abundant
That you love completely and let others love you completely
That you feel the life of your parents inside you
And the breath of your children sweeping through you
That all things are made new for you.
With love, Jaya

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Elegance and Pam athai

My blog, as you know, is about more than fashion design. It's about designing life in its totality. Integral to a well-designed life are the people it includes - they are essential to providing balance, perspective, harmony, color - the elements of good design. My mother, whose life (and sarees!) inspires Jaya Designs, has a friendship that to me embodies one of the pillars of her own well-designed life. this is her close and warm relationship with my aunt, Pam ("Pam athai", in the Tamil reference to "aunty.")

There is not a time in my memory when my mother and Pam athai didn't sit together and even from afar, we could tell they were huddled in strategy to keep their children out of harm's way and on the (very) straight and narrow path. We could be visiting in our homes, in a crowded taxi in India or as tourists visiting Buckingham Palace... they would still be together - poised classically... sarees draped just so, stuffed handbags hoisted, one hand on furrowed forehead and another protectively guarding the precious handbag,sunglasses perched. Elegance and anxiety personified. Bosses, children, husbands, grandchildren, in-laws... no person in their realm escaped being the topic of their huddle. In their soft midst, troubles were willed away through sheer force of their belief and prayer.

My mother and Pam athai are my earliest influences of style, grace, willfulness, pure love... the truly feminine and the truly strong. Groomed, coifed, draped perfectly - they are still the ideal to which I aspire. We lost Pam athai last week to a very long struggle with leukemia, to which she not so much succumbed as surrendered to with faith. The shock of the loss of her physical presence has left us gasping for air, as if the earth has contracted and the oxygen has left it. We look up and see her through our ethereal visions of our Pam athai happy, whole and praying for us to be happy, impeccable, to live each moment with utter integrity and much more - to be all we can be and live the very best versions of ourselves according to not just our own power, but higher powers that are all around and of which she is now part. These are the images that will prevail. We hold onto that. Thank you, Pam athai.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Eat, Drink and Be Cherry

I love it and can’t take credit for it… it’s the slogan for the wonderful Pink Tie events leading up to this year’s National Cherry Blossom Festival (March 27-April 11). I am so tickled (pink, that is) to be on the Host Committee for the Pink Tie, which is next Thursday, March 11, and to be involved with the Festival this year. I love the entire concept – the pink, the cherry blossoms (my LIVING room has an Asian/cherry blossom theme to honor the beautiful cherry tree in our front yard and those in our neighborhood), the botanicals, the SPRING!!

Now that it’s March, can we dare hope for less white (as in snow), less gray (as in cloudy skies) and more green and pink and sun? I say – YES. At the DC-area Mazza Gallerie last Thursday night (another Festival event), the fashions came out and they all welcomed spring. The clothes were from Mazza Gallerie stores (including Neiman Marcus, Filene’s Basement, Corby and others) and they were floaty, strappy, mini, glittery, and made us all smile. (Especially one very special short pink jacket with a darling peplum that was made from a blossomy brocade – perfect, we all said, for our dear Diana Mayhew, president of the Festival. We found out the jacket is Armani – stay tuned to see what Diana ends up wearing to the events!)

As for me, I can’t wait to show you all Jaya Designs’ new pieces for spring. My Maharajah Collection features floaty chiffon dresses inspired by the warm breezes of India; silk tops and skirts inspired by the jewels of royal palaces and purses inspired by the many intricate and precious boxes used by royalty to store incense, spices and treasures. AND FOR THE FIRST TIME… something for men and girls… handmade, silk neckties made in the tradition of all Jaya Designs pieces (see photos on my website at!); and floaty dresses for little girls to match their mommies… or of course, make a fashion statement all their own.

Next time, you’ll see the photo for my Spring signature piece… only one available, it sets the tone for the entire Spring, I think. (If you notice any hints of cherry blossom here – that’s entirely intentional!)

Hope to see you at the Cherry Blossom Festival! See all the events and details at

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Business of Fashion - Where the irrational makes perfect sense-

The business of anything is tough these days. Bread and butter businesses like banks, grocery stores, auto makers for heaven's sake...have fallen as if they were fragile bits of glass rather than stalwarts of the global economy. So it's no surprise that the business of fashion is struggling, too. New York's Fashion Week, just ended, is a testimony to that... AND to the more hopeful and inspiring stories of designers who have persevered. They have stuck with their dreams in spite of ups and downs of the economy, their parent companies, the high cost of fashion shows, materials and the general unwillingness of consumers to open pocketbooks for one-occasion pieces of clothing. Fashion is after all, that blend of art and business. Fashion designers, still inspired by their muses and their love of beauty, face the reality of paying the bills and making ends meet. If a designer puts on a show and no one comes, do they exist?

I'm even more interested in these lessons as I strive to make Jaya Designs a viable business entity, building on my love of the India fabrics, colors and styles... what do you think? What does it take?

Here's a link to Washington Post - read fashion editor Robin Givhan's Valentine's Day article about the business of fashion..."Designers' staying power about much more than clothes..." it's an eye opener! She talks about designers Peter Som, Erin Fetherston, and Zac Posen... each have contributed their unique vision to fashion and showed their passion in their shows last week... and all struggle to keep the dream alive! Givhan's quote says it best: "That's the fascination of the fashion industry. It's a place where the irrational makes perfect sense."

Whew... that's a relief. Onward with Jaya Designs!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Refreshing like Coconut Water

When I am in India, I try to buy only things unique to India. This includes Indian music; literature… while we were at the Leela Palace Hotel, I made my way, slowly and deliciously, through the Oxford Bookstore in the adjacent shopping plaza, and picked up a few freshly published paperbacks by Indian authors that seemed interesting and spoke to me for whatever reason. The first,
Coconut Water, by Sujatha Viswanathan (Stellar Publishers, 2009), jumped up to greet me with its refreshing cover art of the apt coconut tree on a blue water shore. Indeed, if my December trip to India had a theme, I think it would be coconut – I found myself attracted to all things coconut. (More next time about how that has influenced my Jaya Designs!)

Ms. Viswanathan’s novel is nicely written, even if the story seems a bit too pat, maybe even contrived and several times I found myself cringing at yet another description of her principal character, Chitra’s, perfect husband, marriage and life of wealth (from the emerald necklace her mother in law to be purchased for her for the wedding; to her seemingly effortless opening of a chain of organic restaurants in the US once she and her husband had settled here). Yet it took me back to the sounds, smells and sights of India’s streets and villages and shops and fashions and people… you might enjoy it too. It was an entertaining and quick read. If you do read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Note: The information and opinion presented in this blog and its posts are exclusive and personal to the author and guest authors and are not intended to represent any other entity, business or individual.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Winter inspires... boots!

(rsvp: Olivia) (Gabriella Rucha: Bruna)
India inspired me and my Jaya Designs fashion creations with its lush greenery, jewel-colored flowers, cool grasses and with its wonderful people always dressed in colorful silk sarees. As I gaze outside my window now from my home in Maryland…and watch 12 inches of blizzard piling on top of 27 inches of snowstorm from three days ago… I’m thinking… what does THIS weather inspire in me in a fashion sense. (Besides wanting to pull on my Juicy Couture tracksuit and my I Love Lucy bathrobe with fluffy pink slippers to match, that is??)

Not much of a winter person, this is a tough question… and then I know! I know what I recently did for my wardrobe that invites winter in rather than shuts me down until spring. One word… BOOTS!

A few weeks ago, because of the frigid temperatures here on the East Coast, which felt even colder since I had just returned from the tropical climes of south India, I decided to merge with the season, and got three pairs of delicious boots. (And thanks to Zappos, what was a dream one evening was reality the very next day… how DO they deliver so fast??)

None of these were more than $150, and I have worn them (and will wear probably well into the warmer seasons) with my Jaya Designs sleek silks and floaty chiffons… and so can you! Check my Jaya Designs website for the outfits – and send me your best boot/outfit pairings Surely spring is right around the corner!

(Gabriella Rocha: Rona)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Flower Ladies

My daughter and I ventured out early one rainy morning while we were in India last month to visit one of my favorite places – the open market in Hosur (where my parents now live, outside Bangalore, in Tamilnadu, south India). Vendors set out their beautiful lineup of vegetables, fruits, flowers… and wait patiently as customers mill about, choosing their pieces and performing the requisite bargaining ritual to get a better price. I stood mesmerized by the colors, the feelings, the voices of the vendors talking to each other, the bustle of them getting settled in their stalls, trying to get protection from the rain that day. My camera pointed everywhere, each scene a portrait. Adriana had her camera, too, and actually caused quite the delighted stir as she carefully set herself up for each shot. As I surveyed the karmic, orderly chaos, I found myself stopping at a row of ladies neatly seated with mounds of flowers to sell. Some of them were expertly stringing them together for garlands and hairpieces – Indian women wear flowers absolutely everywhere, every day, and flowers are gifts to gods, so their purchase is common. The fragrance of those jasmine and tuberoses is something I conjure all winter back at home in Maryland… it is the essence of India to me. And then something else struck me – each of these vendors, and many others we see on the roads especially in the early mornings, are dependent on their day’s sales success in ways we can’t even imagine. Many of them will feed their families… or not… depending on how much they sell. They show up every day and with visible pride in their work, they offer it to customers like us with patience and grace. How much do they earn? Will it be enough for their basic needs today… tomorrow? I admire them so much. They inspire me to keep going, one day at a time and build a life.

Do you know people who inspire you with those qualities? Tell me about them.
Note: The information and opinion presented in this blog and its posts are exclusive and personal to the author and guest authors and are not intended to represent any other entity, business or individual.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Inspiration- Helping Haiti

My blog is focused on inspiration, living a creative life and being part of the world beyond our front door as a way to be the best version of ourselves possible. The events of the past two weeks have reminded me of this in shocking intensity: as the people of Haiti struggle to deal with extreme conditions of life and death, and the anguish of physical and emotional pain and separation, my heart has gone out to them. As a mother, I can barely process the photos and stories of families destroyed in such devastating ways. And then my thoughts are lifted - by the work of rescue and aid agencies there on the ground, those volunteers working around the clock, putting aside their own emotional and physical needs to help those in dire situations. In particular, my heart is full of gratitude for my (former) colleagues at the Red Cross - the American, International and Red Crescent organizations. Not only have these volunteers galvanized into action, as they always do, using their disaster training and their spirits of giving to leave their own families behind to help, they are using innovative technologies to raise money... the money it will take not only to survive now, but to help the Haitian people rebuild and have homes once again.

I was head of communication for the Red Cross in Los Angeles in the late 1990s... and went through the disaster and other trainings - and so I know firsthand - how the people of the world look to the Red Cross for expert response during these times of severe crisis because they know they can count on them. And i know the people of the Red Cross are serious about helping - I know so many people who, employed by other companies and organizations, would take their vacation time to do disaster training and then go out on disaster relief missions - as volunteers.

My family, through its work with Community Uplift Projects, International (, keeps the daily needs of children and families on the top of my priority list each day. I urge you to send your support (financial, physical, moral) to the Red Cross, too - they deserve it and they need all of us.

Ways to help through the Red Cross:
Text "Haiti" to 90999
Note: The information and opinion presented in this blog and its posts are exclusive and personal to the author and guest authors and are not intended to represent any other entity, business or individual.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What inspires you?

Remember I said I had no background in fashion and this is a BRAND new venture for me? In the spirit of not being a complete moron about it, I attended a basic fashion flat drawing class organized by G Street Fabrics in Falls Church, Virginia, this past weekend. My challenge: translating the beautiful designs in my head onto paper in some sort of legible form so the tailors have some way of understanding me! (I've spent my life focused on writing and photography - not drawing!) The six hour class was taught by a beautiful fashion designer named Raia Kaouk, who is getting her start in the U.S. after being trained in her home country and spending time in Paris for training. She gave the 6 of us in the class a great overview of the basics of drawing, inspiring us with her portfolio, which includes her wedding dress! She was inspired by Louis XVI (so we already have a lot in common... I'm inspired by Louis, too... Louis Vuitton!)
The key is to find a source of inspiration for fashion design. I found my inspiration in the silks and golds and lushness of Indian sarees and India itself. I'd like to share more of this inspiration with you in my upcoming posts. And I'd LOVE to hear from you - what inspires you? What inspires your clothing choices, your home decor, your travel, your work, your creativity? Please share with all of us by commenting to this blog post. And enjoy some of these photos from the Jaya Designs spring 2010 collection - called "Maharajah" - thanks! Find more at
Note: The information and opinion presented in this blog and its posts are exclusive and personal to the author and guest authors and are not intended to represent any other entity, business or individual.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Welcome to Designing Life - for inspiration and style

Hi everyone – welcome to my blog!
I started a fashion design business – officially a year ago; unofficially, ten years ago. This is the reinvention phase of my life, I suppose… I am not a fashion designer by training or background… I am a business and public relations professional, and have been for more than 20 years. I can write and I can market and I can promote and I can communicate… I am not highly trained in drawing or sewing … but I am artistic and get rave reviews for how I dress, the way I put together colors, fabrics and looks and have always since a child been hyper-conscious of hair, face, body, clothing… it’s of great interest for me.

And then shortly after college, I discovered that the traditional Indian sari, with its six yards of gorgeous silk fabric, makes the perfect material for outfits I could wear to parties, work, everywhere. So I sketched (very rudimentary drawings, really) simple short and long skirts, sleeveless tops with covered buttons and longish suit coats to coordinate. Taking these to my family’s tailors in India during our vacation visits, I was able to make these sketches a reality. Wearing them around town, I received great comments, including questions about where to buy them.

So now, people can buy them. I’ve started a small side business called Jaya Designs ( and through private parties and the website, I’m selling a variety of clothing pieces and accessories, authentically crafted by Indians and from Indian materials, to express my love for fashion and beauty. And… this is very important – part of the proceeds from my sales go to support health, education and care for children, women and families in south India through a project called Anantha Ashram – a program run by my family (the nonprofit we have in the U.S. is called Community Uplift Projects, International –

So this blog is about my adventures in fashion design and what that means for the rest of my life. I will share with you how I’m designing the rest of my life to include how I learn about fashion and its business; how I create and expand my network of customers; how I create balance and flow with my “real” profession; what inspires me; health and beauty tips; how I find the time and energy to do it; the people who help me; and the essence of India, which is the theme empowering my dream.

I need all the feedback and insights from you that you’re willing to share back with me – so please comment on my blog … frequently! As we go, I promise to include specials and coupons for my clothing items… you won’t want to miss those!
I hope my new Designing Life blog will inspire you to find ways to re-invent, transform and expand your life also. It’s a new year – let’s begin!