Saturday, January 16, 2010

Welcome to Designing Life - for inspiration and style

Hi everyone – welcome to my blog!
I started a fashion design business – officially a year ago; unofficially, ten years ago. This is the reinvention phase of my life, I suppose… I am not a fashion designer by training or background… I am a business and public relations professional, and have been for more than 20 years. I can write and I can market and I can promote and I can communicate… I am not highly trained in drawing or sewing … but I am artistic and get rave reviews for how I dress, the way I put together colors, fabrics and looks and have always since a child been hyper-conscious of hair, face, body, clothing… it’s of great interest for me.

And then shortly after college, I discovered that the traditional Indian sari, with its six yards of gorgeous silk fabric, makes the perfect material for outfits I could wear to parties, work, everywhere. So I sketched (very rudimentary drawings, really) simple short and long skirts, sleeveless tops with covered buttons and longish suit coats to coordinate. Taking these to my family’s tailors in India during our vacation visits, I was able to make these sketches a reality. Wearing them around town, I received great comments, including questions about where to buy them.

So now, people can buy them. I’ve started a small side business called Jaya Designs ( and through private parties and the website, I’m selling a variety of clothing pieces and accessories, authentically crafted by Indians and from Indian materials, to express my love for fashion and beauty. And… this is very important – part of the proceeds from my sales go to support health, education and care for children, women and families in south India through a project called Anantha Ashram – a program run by my family (the nonprofit we have in the U.S. is called Community Uplift Projects, International –

So this blog is about my adventures in fashion design and what that means for the rest of my life. I will share with you how I’m designing the rest of my life to include how I learn about fashion and its business; how I create and expand my network of customers; how I create balance and flow with my “real” profession; what inspires me; health and beauty tips; how I find the time and energy to do it; the people who help me; and the essence of India, which is the theme empowering my dream.

I need all the feedback and insights from you that you’re willing to share back with me – so please comment on my blog … frequently! As we go, I promise to include specials and coupons for my clothing items… you won’t want to miss those!
I hope my new Designing Life blog will inspire you to find ways to re-invent, transform and expand your life also. It’s a new year – let’s begin!

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