Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Grandparents' Day

"Grandparents are the footsteps to the future generations." -- Unknown

Photo: Adriana, my mother Margaret Koilpillai and me in India

Thank you to all grandparents, who love our children even more than we do, and who continue to give, nuture and teach. We love you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jaya Designs Fall Events Sept 18 and 19 - Sign Up Now!

It’s been a warm and sunny summer – I hope you had plenty of rest and inspiration as we (dare we say it) head into the new season. Jaya Designs can help you kick off a new school season, get your work life into high gear and prepare for holiday parties. Please join me the weekend of September 18 and 19 to see some new clothing choices, check out exciting accessories and become even more dazzling than you already are!

I’m organizing the event a bit differently this time – I’m asking for you to sign up for attendance during one of four timeslots – see below. This will give me the chance to give you personalized attention, for you to ask me questions about the clothing and accessories, and for us to discuss the perfect options for your needs.

Saturday, September 18
6:00 p.m. availability for six people
7:30 p.m. availability for six people

Sunday, September 19
2:00 p.m. availability for six people
3:30 p.m. availability for six people

Please email with your preferred timeslot. I look forward to seeing you then!

Best regards,

Jaya Koilpillai Bohlmann
Jaya Designs
India-inspired Fashions

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hurricanes and life

Waves crash, horizon blurs, skies gray... Hurricane Earl approaches Maryland, having evacuated North Carolina and other coastal areas on this Labor Day weekend. We're in Ocean City, where the beaches are devoid of swimmers but adventurous folks (or those determined to get their beach getaway regardless of weather) walk along the shoreline. The pools at our Hilton Suites Oceanfront are closed - Adriana and I swam in the indoor pool and then she did crafts organized by the hotel. I'm a bit low on energy - a side effect of the cleansing program I'm in. This includes no cairy at all, no sugar, no animal products of any kind, minimizing wheat and gluten, and emphasizing small amounts of good food eaten at regular intervals (the antithesis of my entire life's diet - I usually eat not often enough and then awful non-food). I am walking and running instead of my hard core 5-miles runs 5x/week and focusing on yoga and stretching. I still walk around a bit lightheaded - I have to keep my protein intake consistent. Adri and I are having a restful day today with the storm. A good chance to heal and cleanse emotionally, too. Waves take away all pain, anger, fear; winds cleanse body, mind and spirit.